Gustavo Grossi

Gustavo Grossi



One of the first guidelines that River Plate set was to make a strong change and work in the club’s lower divisions. So much so, that the River Camp was created so that the boys could have a better growth and development in their different formative stages until they reached the first division.

It is there where Gustavo Grossi enters, who is the Sport Director of the infantile-juvenile project and has clear which is his objective “We look for that 50% of the staff is of players formed in the club and the other 50% is of contracted players of hierarchy”. 

Without a doubt one of the best directors of academy of the world, with the objective to form the player through an integral method and where their great work makes of River Plate one of the clubs that better work in the formation of their players. 


We play How We Live.

“The moments of my life in which I have grown have to do with the failures, the moments of my life in which I have worsened, have to do with the success…”


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